Sunday, 20 November 2011

Typography Wolverhampton

Our first type brief was to write 250 words on something about wolverhampton and produce a two page spread. My writing was on accents and I used words that I found in a black country dictionary to fill tree quarters of the page in different sizes and tones. The last quarter is paragraphs in tones to match the random words above so the black of the title stand out.

Saturday, 12 November 2011


 I visited Rotterdam recently and took pictures around the city of things that stood out to me in a very built up grey and glass city


Thursday, 3 November 2011

Illustration mars in moscow brief

The brief is an editorial about the simulation trip to mars taking place in moscow called "Why you should avoid getting pregnant on the way to Mars". My first ideas from the title centred around mutant alien babies which was not the way to go. After rethinking my final picture is above. Using pastels, felt-tips and a fine liner its a spacesuit caring a baby on its back looking towards the russian flag. It's a take on a picture of the first moon landing.